It's Smooth sailing with our team!
michelle e. hawthorne, M.S.Chief Executive OfficerMichelle has over 20 years experience working in the medical field, primarily in credentialing, contracting, privileging and provider enrollment. She has a Masters of Science in Human Environmental Science with a concentration in Conflict Management, Mediation and Negotiation which has been beneficial in developing personal relationships with practitioners in a variety of specialties and practice environments and provider relations representative with insurance companies across the state of Alabama.
Melissa simmonsHealth insurance specialistMelissa has worked with physicians practicing in multiple specialties across central Alabama for over ten years. She has a background finance, specializing in reimbursement. She also assists with billing, patient reimbursement and revenue cycle management.
HOLLIE CAMATTIMEDICAL BILLING SPECIALISTHollie brings a wealth of knowledge to the team. She is a medical biller, and has a background in specialty care including psychiatry, neurology, and hospital medicine.
KELSEY BENTONMEDICAL COLLECTIONS COORDINATORKesley has extensive knowledge and understanding of accounts receivable and medical collections. She stands by our mission of taking a compassionate approach to patient collections and will serve our clients well.
eddie hawthorneIT optimization specialistEddie has 15+ years experience in Information Technology. His role on our staff ensures a high level of security, keeping your information safe.